Yorkshire Meds Marbles Team 

Marbles ring in Algiers

In 2010, Akil decided it was time to introduce this fantastic team game to the locals

 Akil was really passionate about marbles since he started his first tournament in 2004 in Tinsley Green. It very much reminded him of playing "les boules et la pétanque" in the local Boulodrome in Carroubier (Algiers). He loved  playing that game and kept vivid memory of enjoyment and practice there.

After a few years in the tournament and by now being British & World champion twice in 2008 and 2009, he decided In August 2010 to setup a new training ground in Algiers. He built a full size ring, compliant with the ones in Tinsley Green to play games and training. Akil started to initiate locals to the World championship games & rules. The grand-children took into the game.

Ring frame Algiers (2010)
Grand-children playing