Yorkshire Meds Marbles Team 

 Training & practice in Leeds

A few weeks prior to the tournament, the team gathers round for  shooting practice; analysis & fun.

Depending on the season, between four to six weeks before the tournament, a call is made to the team (via its WhatsApp group) for training and practice, the full schedule of practice sessions is tabled; usually weekends (Saturdays & Sundays 2-5pm, weather permitting). All training & practice take place in the Leeds training ground.

The further away the tournament in the calendar, the longer the training period: The tournament is on a Good Friday, so from one year to another, it could be as early as mid March or as late as third week of April. There is a weather factor to consider in Leeds; it is rather cold in February (see photos of snow in late March below); so a tournament in March is likely to call for just three, perhaps four weeks training; whereas for a late April, the practice could last for up to 6 weeks


The first practice session is not recorded; a kind of "rusting off" session. After that, all practices are recorded; that is every turn & shot and the number of marbles out. This gives us an indication of performance and expectation from every player; consistency & target marbles out. It is also an opportunity for the players to help and guide each other on how to get best result. 

Most of the training games use the team event format; that is placing 49 target marbles in centre of the ring; and players taking turn to knock marbles (and record their results in the main sheet). We play in certain order of players; and after each game; the next player in the list starts the game.

It is all done in good spirit and nature with coffee, tea & biscuits, with plenty of jokes, laughter and catching up (except when it comes to shooting, then it is taken seriously).

Leeds marbles practice 2007
Leeds marbles practice 2007
Akil and Mourad training in the snow