Main championship trophies
Here we have a look at the main trophies for the British & World marble championships.
There are five annual main stream events & trophies nowadays. Historically some of these came in the early years, others established years later. There also exceptional events (one-offs) usually defined to commemorate a special events (usually royal events). Some of these one-off trophies then become permanent (annual) fixtures. Some of the trophies are to keep by the winning team/player and others to be returned a year later for the next competition. Some of these trophies are really pieces of antique beauties.
The trophies:
- Main tournament (British & World championship team event, from 1932)
- Individual Championship (from 1936)
- Best Lady player (from 1987)
- Golden Oldies (from 2002, Gardner's Golden Oldies trophy from 2017)
- SMcF (Sam McCarthy Fox) award (from 2016)
One off trophies:
- 2011: Royal Wedding ( The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge)
- 2023: The Greyhound coronation challenge (King Charles III coronation
Image on the left: L2R: Lady's; main event and individual trophies. Smaller trophies x6 for team player to keep. Image on the right front row; main team event and team event winners to keep medals.
Main tournament trophy
This is the trophy for the British & World championship, event running since 1932, also known as the Silver Meux Cup. It has inscription of the winning teams since 1930s. It is truly an antic & beautiful piece and lovely to keep for a year. The winning team keeps the trophy for a year, till next competition. We had the privilege with Yorkshire Meds to have it at home in the main living room for a few years. It attracts questions from people visiting your home. The winning players also receive individual trophies to keep. The runner-up prize is in alcoholic liquid form.
Individual Championship trophy
Running since 1936, it is also known as the individual best player trophy. The winning player gets to keep the trophy.
Best Lady player
This trophy was first presented in 1987. It is also known as the Nina Cohen trophy. The winning player keeps the trophy for a year, till next competition.
Gardner's Golden Oldies
This trophy was first presented in 2002 to coincide with with the golden jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In 2017, it was renamed Gardner's Golden Oldies trophy in recognition to Ian Gardner's contribution to marbles. A new trophy was issued with the new name. The winning player keeps the trophy for a year, till next competition.
SMcF (Sam McCarthy Fox) award
This trophy was first presented in 2016. This trophy was introduced to recognise Sam's huge contribution to marbles and commemorate Sam's 40th tournament as organiser. The winning player keeps the trophy for a year, till next competition.
The Greyhound coronation challenge
This trophy was set in 2023 to celebrate the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.